Course 1 – Chrysalis Diploma

Chrysalis Diploma in Hypnotherapy and Introduction to Counselling Skills (DIP. Hyp CS)

This is our entry-level course which is your route to professional hypnotherapy practice as well as providing you with initial counselling skills.

Choose this course if your main focus is hypnotherapy and you’re open to further progression as a counsellor. The course covers all of the well-known hypnotherapy techniques such as quitting smoking, weight loss, hypnosis for childbirth, etc and will also teach you about building a successful practice.

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Course Benefits*

  • Become a Professional Hypnotherapist (DIP.Hyp CS.).
  • Course Accredited by the National Hypnotherapy Society - Join as an M.H.S. with many membership benefits including eligibility to join the Royal Society for Public Health - Graduates eligible for Registrant Status.
  • Registered successful candidates will receive an RQF Level 3 Diploma from Prince's Trust.
  • A clear progression path from hypnotherapy to counselling.
  • Build a successful practice via this course and National Hypnotherapy Society membership.

* Subject to terms and conditions

Study Methods

Practical classroom work; Chrysalis VLE; Practice Groups; Homework assignments; Reflective Journal; Study of Skills Practice; Focus on practical work with no final exam.

PLEASE NOTE: Upgrading from this course to longer courses at a later stage is more costly and upgrading may not be possible on courses which are full. Students wishing to take further study should sign up in advance to avoid disappointment.

Course Length:

1 Year


1 Year

Courses Studied:

Course 1 Only

Course Price:

All course Pricing

From £137.82/pm


Over 11 Classes, you'll study the following seven components and attend one Hypnotherapy Seminar:

  • Understanding the Work of Hypnotherapy Including what is meant by hypnosis, and having a basic understanding of different issues and how hypnotherapy may help.
  • Conducting Hypnotherapy Sessions Learning about initially meeting with the client and discussing issues and goals through developing good listening skills, then how to induce hypnosis.
  • Understand the use of Hypnosis in Other Professions Analysing deeper methods of the use of hypnosis by qualified practitioners while understanding ethics and working within your level of competence.
  • Hypnotherapy for Relationship Issues Hypnotherapy is often used to support clients with intimate relationship issues, fertility and childbirth and this component discusses how.
  • Hypnotherapy & Counselling Skills This component helps you to develop your basic therapy skills, including counselling skills, making assessments and formulating treatment plans and how to write and deliver personalised hypnotherapy scripts.
  • Understanding Evidence-based Hypnotherapy You will develop understanding of what is meant by Evidence Based Practice, and learn about different types and levels of evidence, and the evidence for the use of hypnotherapy.
  • Hypnotherapy Seminar An interactive online seminar which will introduce you to additional Hypnotherapy methods and approaches that you can use.
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